phone call...
the chirp of
a hometown bird
the silence as we
drink the morning tea...
mother's wrinkled hands
misty railway station…
he refills the earthen
tea cup
K. Ramesh
those eyes once gazed
into the eyes of my mother
old quarter horse
Deborah P Kolodji
last drop of milk
on the cat's whiskers –
an early frost
Laughing waters
evening cool
shadows lengthen
beneath the old rope swing
all the places
I've yet to go
Rachel Sutcliffe
deep winter the touch of a conch shell
Stephen Toft
the arch
of the border bridge
half moon
Chen-ou Liu
autumn fog ...
while I kiss my grandma
she asks who I am
faint sun ray ...
one cyclamen opens up
on the windowsill
Lucia Cardillo
today the wind–
scent of rain
behind that
Carl Mayfield
lily pads
I bounce across each one
with my eyes
Dan Salontai
night grass
the Winter Solstice
chews moonlight
Erin Castaldi
implacable rain –
bit by bit the limestone
Michael Galko
between songs
the busker’s breath
in winter moonlight
Ben Moeller-Gaa
old minaret ...
a sparrow's song
between two pines
fading light ...
alone with the cry
of a cicada
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
morning cold –
chewed by rats the copy
of Paradise Lost
Antonietta Losito
two autumns …
a child’s birthday
atop the headstone
Connor McDonald
freezing fog
holding still
Aaron Barry
fish leap to capture
bites of heaven
Joan McNerney
October sunset –
a barrowload
of orange
All Souls'
toe of frog slips
into the undergrowth
Helen Buckingham
thick fog
following the sound
of the stream
Nikolay Grankin
cirrus clouds
I inhale deep into
father's bones
Srinivasa Rao Sambangi
between stalks of sea thrift evening sun
Caroline Skanne
rainfall on chalk hills
each path becomes
a stream-bed
Thomas Tyrrell
blistering heat
a hornet sucks the juice
from a peach
Jay Friedenberg
saturated meadow grass
spangled with purple clover…
June rain
the first few
orange daylilies opened on their stalks—
summer solstice
croaking frogs…
a kingbird dips and hovers
over the rippled bog
Wally Swist
welcome swallows –
the winter sweep
of dune grass
Robyn Cairns
on and on
in birdsong
spring dawn
Elmedin Kadric
swaying here
swaying there
silhouettes of broom
gibbous moon
a wild pansy curls up
in the wind
Muskaan Ahuja
after the rain
sparrows sing –
my voice too
Christine Taylor
swaying on the
arrow tips of larch
most of the day
is blowing
Alexander Wharton
morning mist...
a solitary goose flies
into early snow
Keith A Simmonds
more of the beach
on the windowsill
a rising tide
Joanna Ashwell
the other side
of a broken window
a yellow butterfly
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
veiled moon
the scent of rain
Nathan Hassall
skin walker
the "tear-drop-shaped microconidia"
of my jock itch
Dave Bonta
early snow
catching the sky
on my tongue
Barbara Tate
whitecaps way out there
the fog
rolls through me
Peter Newton
n a k e d
r a i n
p e l t
ocean eddies
into a styrofoam cup…
some birds
sing out winter
from them selves
Donna Fleischer
late summer
the cut pear
in a saffron robe
lets in fresh air
Alexis Rotella
dark bamboo
even the sound
is cold
Miriam Sagan
lassitude and languor these days without rain
sundown a black cat uncurls from the coalhouse roof
Stuart Quine
winter rain driving
a neighbor’s calico cat
into our garage
Michael Feil
breaking bread
—mandarin ducks
scrabble in the shallows
dying grass moon
in the doe’s eye
Marilyn Fleming
end of summer
a boy's skipping stone sinks
with the sun
the red tip
of my cigarette
starless night
Chen-ou Liu
each one at my fingertips –
autumn stars
Christina Martin
climbing closer
the sky the scent
of mother's lavender
Kath Abela Wilson
on the edge
of the highway
a doe waits
Rich Schilling
apple orchard –
wild turkeys
eating windfalls
Ed Higgins
traffic lights
changing colour
autumn leaves
aphids chew
the basil plant –
shorter days
Juliet Wilson
the iris
the paintbrush
Alan S. Bridges
two pigeons
under the arch of the mosque
afternoon rain
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
hot autumn day
clink of pickling jars
in the sink
deep inside
the iris
summer rain
Lucy Whitehead
a moth
in the moonlight
Mary Hanrahan
that radicchio
you sowed last year —
its flowers set seed
Helen Williams
a pine tree cricket
on the crater
on the postcard
Minh-Triêt Pham
how much of him
still remains in there
grandpa's grave
Christina Sng
an early start –
the petunias hang their heads
after last night's rain
taking home the shopping...
my shadow
reaches the door first
Mary Gunn
I see
the child you were
in the turn of your head
Nicola Brown
your finger tip
counting crows’ feet
at the corners of my eyes
Jane Fraser
subtle notes
of wind . . .
Anna Cates
a slight shudder
as the boat docks –
hazy moon
Kanchan Chatterjee
withered field —
on the furthest stalk
snow blossom
Kate Alsbury
laundry day
even my scent has become
your own
reciting gathas a walnut on the roof
Kelly Sauvage Angel
I trust old age
looking up
at the mountain
Karen Robbie
longer days –
my father's shadow
changes shape
summer stillness –
the seabirds dive for fish
before sunlight
Goran Gatalica
for a signpost to the village
wild strawberries
Loris John Fazio
on boughs of snow –
a wolf's howl
David He Zhuanglang
Spring warmth
blackbird carries the scent
of mountains
Padmini Krishnan
duck calls
over winter water
one yellow leaf floats by
Simon Wilson
yellow shooting star
streaks past the car window
roadside daffodil
Karen Shepherd
besides the white
Guliz Mutlu
rear view mirror
along the lane the rush of
dead leaves
David Urwin
bird on the rock
bird on the tree branch
cat's gaze shifts
Robert Beveridge
the sudden fall
of leaves
Pravat Kumar Padhy