mountain ash –
the tips of its reach spill
into our breathing
Kristen Lang
fallen leaves
tire thrum louder
out on the highway
Gary Hittmeyer
scraping against
a splintered farmyard fence
the pig’s dust shivers
John Hawkhead
skimming over
the patches of redtop grass . . .
returning tree swallows
Wally Swist
fig tree
the dusk beats
with bat wings
Gavin Austin
crossing my arms
over my breasts
winter narcissus
Kristen Lindquist
a line of gossamer
catches the light
cyfnod clo
edefyn o wawn
yn dal y golau
John Rowlands
so deep
in my summer meditation
the scent of basil
Judson Evans
the quiet
of a muskrat’s wake
autumn dusk
Bruce H. Feingold
another day
spiraling inwards
Thomas Powell
autumn starlight
a long and empty train
sets out
Jonathan Humphrey
here and there in patches
mallika chari
autumn haze
a boy's whisper to his mum
attracts the sun
Samo Kreutz
on the warm wall
the wasp's abdomen
pulses its shadow
Michael Baeyens
the wind
the wind makes
of the pines
(gassho to Jim Kacian)
Meg Arnot
pulling up
a withered azalea –
meeting the blue jay's gaze
Jerome Gagnon
without a mask
this open air becomes
a moment
E. L. Blizzard
walking into
deep time
Owen Bullock
zen garden
every snowflake
finds a stone
William Scott Galasso
lambing paddock
the constant calls
of new mothers
Lorraine Haig
chough tumble
down the quarry face
rain turns to sleet
Clive Bennett
this loneliness
the scramble of mice
on our roof
Deborah P Kolodji
dust motes
in a shaft of sunlight
her red chair
Gavin Austin
lockdown another ambient jigsaw afternoon
Helen Buckingham
plastic beads
ring a sandcastle turret
rising tide
Bill Cooper
misty night
three silver strands
in my hairbrush
Chen-ou Liu
steam rises slowly
from the scrum
John Rowlands
returning tide
a small wave claims
the pipit’s rock
Thomas Powell
step by step
the lilac scent
gathering light
Elmedin Kadric
storm abating
the kestrel settles back
into its hunch
Richard Tindall
monsoon rains
wildflowers fill
a depression
Scott Wiggerman
pine needle heat—
the soft murmur
of crows
Laurie D. Morrissey
misty autumn
a white sun rising
over vacant shops
Ted Sherman
jasmine tea
I cradle the bowl
with mother’s hands
Maxianne Berger
summer foliage
an early beechnut
takes the long way down
Michael Baeyens
stormy afternoon:
on the stump of a cherry,
a bulbul.
Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih
the physical distance –
star-filled sky
Pravat Kumar Padhy
hot afternoon
road tar on the edge
of a twig
Bill Cooper
a year of estrangement sandcastles
Máire Morrissey-Cummins
puddling spring rain . . .
bends of the rutted farm road stretching
into distance
Wally Swist
spruce needles
along the trail
a hidden kinglet’s song
Deborah P Kolodji
distant thunder
the boa shifts
in my palms
Kyle D. Craig
as stars
replace the sunset—
the night ferry’s wash
Gavin Austin
from shadow
into sunlight
the cat’s rising tail
Thomas Powell
creaking on the lake…
deep autumn
Daniela Misso
ginko walk
the pause and pauses
of a dragonfly
Kala Ramesh
Seren Fargo
church courtyard
bird pecks at
a communion wafer
John J. Dunphy
ripe barley –
the end
of the pilgrimage
Robert Davey
spring morning
a robin trills
from a roll of sod
Brad Bennett
midnight stars—
the shapes we make
when we pray
Earl Livings
rental cabin
sinking into silence
as thunder ends
Vera Constantineau
gray beach
the clap of rope
against a flag pole
Jay Friedenberg
breaking open the dark ripening pecans
Beverly Acuff Momoi
the silence
in an empty poultry cage
Christmas morning
Blessed Ayeyame
My birthday walk
the shadow at my feet
could be my father’s
Marc Evans
social distancing
along the long looping road
the fawn peeks out
B.A. France
selecting poems
for mother’s funeral
scattered clouds
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
low sun. . .
conkers harden
in the oven
Richard Tindall
behind glass
cavalry uniforms smaller
than imagined
Barbara Tate
touching everything
on its way out
river in flood
Kristen Lindquist
flax seed-pods
fraying in the wind
winter’s end
Jenny Fraser
a spiderweb glimmers
on the treehouse
Elaine Wilburt
quarantine, and still
the sound of rain
in the leaves
Nancy Rapp
shifting tides
the seagull rests inside
a sandy footprint
Olivia Ark
evening snowstorm
no clear way
to word my apology
Joshua Gage
early sun
between long shadows
fairy wrens bob
Marilyn Humbert
drift line
a plover pecks
at a styrofoam cup
Jay Friedenberg
handwriting a eulogy waning moon
Srinivas S
the tractor
a crow’s caw
the cat
rests her head on my arm. . .
midnight stillness
M. Shayne Bell
fog lifting the horizon perfectly straight
Dan Salontai
harvest field
a butterfly leads me
to a hidden melon
Adjei Agyei-Baah
white snowfall
dotted bright red
Douglas J. Lanzo
sound of a drill
driving a hole in plywood…
autumn breeze
Lenard D. Moore
fast asleep
on moonlit lavender
the forager bee
leaves turning
the grocery clerk’s smile
through her mask
Edward J. Rielly
coot skitter
among lily pads
summer rain
Clive Bennett
bonfire smoke
my day goes
in a different direction
Tony Williams
farm road
a tiger lily fills
with dust
Debbie Strange
autumn moor
the stretch of gorse
under gray skies
John J. Han
virtual meeting
I lower my head
when they pray
Crystal Simone Smith
hiking out
the fading
river sounds
Bryan Rickert
after the rain
a bent reed marks
the riverflow
Richard Tindall
light drizzle –
a whiff of neem flowers
in the koel's song
Vidya S Venkatramani
patch of snow that too disappears
Roberta Beach Jacobson
empty flip-flops
wading in
oyster-colored moonlight
Jenna Le
overcast summer morning . . .
the fading whistle
of mourning dove's wings
Wally Swist
almost home
icicles from the eaves
catch the moon
Carol Raisfeld
after the storm
the neighbor’s hammock
in our tree
Greg Schwartz
the lilt
in her laugh still there
December moon
Kevin Valentine
winter sun
through cracks in the old bridge
Seren Fargo
hummingbird feeder the wait
Mike White
glassy bay
breaking its surface
a humpback’s fluke
Lyn Reeves
childhood home
an attic of silence
in my head
Neena Singh
twenty below
the fireplace fan
begins to squeal
LeRoy Gorman
the day accelerates
in the autumn wind...
pine needles
Lucia Cardillo
sweeping the vestibule
Kwan Yin
covered in ash
Lisa Espenmiller
cold drizzle . . .
from the laundry man’s shack
a dim light
Kanchan Chatterjee
closing day
all the hands
I did not shake
Maya Daneva
lake shimmer
the heron’s croak
quiets our paddles
Ben Gaa
trapped by sleet . . .
three cats
watch me write
M. Shayne Bell
darting away
my son joins his friends
mackerel skies
Ted Sherman
fall chill
S.M. Kozubek
a waft of autumn
quince ripen
on the credenza
Jim Laurila
finding an edge
of shade
crow feather
Laurie Greer
wheat harvest
gleaning together
with the sparrows
Ryland Shengzhi Li
a flattened catkin
in my shoe
Karen Robbie
skinny dipping
the size
of her eyes
Jeff Hoagland
day old lily
a newborn's fist
Kath Abela Wilson
backwoods stream
sunlight glints off
a beer can
Rich Schilling
last fruits of rowan –
birds traces disappear
under falling snow
Krzysztof Kokot
before the moon rises
I raise my glass
to an empty sky
Alvin B. Cruz
smell of autumn
a layer of a persimmon jam
in an open jar
Eufemia Griffo
stepping stones
across the stream
first father then son
Marilyn Ashbaugh
a baby wren
a kookaburra
one inside the other
Helga Jermy
morning rain . . .
snow piles cloaked
in fog
Valentina Ranaldi-Adams
sharing the box
family portraits
and a dead fly
Peter Leroe-Muñoz
a stray dog
follows many heels
Mike Gallagher
bittersweet berries
the gradations
of loneliness
Peter Newton
drifting clouds —
as she opens the curtain
Jibril Dauda Muhammad
autumn rain...
a water mantra
on the skylight
Oscar Luparia
sea view
the reason for being
plunge ripples
David Gale
on bike path
I reflect
Carl Walsh
with the sun
a bird’s song rises
from a building crack
Mantas Stočkus
a fisherman
on the far bank catches
my gaze
Mary McCormack
mycelium –
a silver hairbrush
tarnished green
Sarah-Jane Crowson
carried off by birds the fruit stones of her silence
Réka Nyitrai
passion vines
the half-built house wet
with moonlight
Hemapriya Chellappan
fall equinox walk
the basking pheasant
darts for cover
Nola Obee
some more handsome
than others
John J. Han
grass cut –
his new diagnosis
written in italics
Carmela Marino
November wind
finds the lonely hole
in my old sock
Michael Galko
in the red maple
a carpenter bee hovers
grips the drooping blooms
William Aarnes
That cloud shaped like an ear—
if I shout, I’m sure
it would hear me
Michael Minassian
slow drizzle
talking about my abuse
with a stutter
Jackie Chou
opening the parcel
filling the room
the homeland fragrance
Bakhtiyar Amini
sahara heat…
the shoes now a refuge
for scorpions
Usman Karofi
red rear lights…
reflections on drenched tar
as gutters surge
Rob McKinnon
leaves holding space
for blooms
Agnes Eva Savich
chestnuts and matches
the child creates a small farm
on the windowsill
Pitt Büerken
a bear’s impression
in the ferns
our empty feeder
Denise Fontaine-Pincince
summer noon . . .
the Himalayan cat snores
near the hiking boots
Milan Rajkumar
lone chrysanthemum
a young bloom faces skyward
as one petal falls
Erin Schalk
autumn wind
a reshuffle of
my to-do
Meera Rehm
unanswered letter
blown out candles
Anthony Q. Rabang
Steadfast yellow slug
Dragging an anchor of dirt
Up this endless hill
David Richardson
broken home
a boy gathers nuts
in the wood
Adrian Bouter
midday heat
the pigeon flies off with
a wave of my hand
Richa Sharma
my thoughts unspool
the roundness
of lotus leaves
Antonietta Losito
folded parasols —
the bartender is looking
toward the moon
Goran Gatalica
night drizzle
on the blue dragonfly wing
old moon
Radostina Dragostinova
cattle at the stream
sunlight spills
from the bull’s mouth
Sheila Butterworth
low tide
all the chains
made visible
Judson Evans
my children
with their lovers tonight
harvest moon
Bruce H. Feingold