ridge top
the sunrise
in a stag’s antlers
Gavin Austin
mid-April snowfall . . .
just a dusting covering
the closed daffodils
Wally Swist
worm moon
the owl's small body
still warm
Kristen Lindquist
balmy evening
the arms of the wind turbine
easy over
David Gale
the stubble
of a baseball diamond
grazing geese
Bruce H. Feingold
in the window
a moth
holds the storm at bay
Allison Douglas-Tourner
wind in the reeds
long after his death
Mary McCormack
river’s edge
seeing the other side
of loneliness
Ben Gaa
afternoon shadows
the red dye
on a sheep’s flank
paul m.
spring thaw
a wood frog emerges
from the leaf litter
Jay Friedenberg
snowgrass plain
the moonlit gleam
of brumby bones
Gavin Austin
whirring cicadas
a nuthatch slides down
the feeder pole
Brad Bennett
remembering my mother
I ignore my father’s face
in the mirror
Leonard Green
morning stretches…
snowfall highlights
the crabapple
Christopher Patchel
dog day nights
the restlessness
of coyotes
Jeff Hoagland
swirling snow—
the sign says "sorry"
on the soup kitchen door
Michael Dylan Welch
photo collage
all the memories I
forgot I had
Erin Castaldi
six inches of fresh snow
I carry my old dog
to his favorite tree
John J. Dunphy
wagtails skitter
around the yard...
evening milking
Clive Bennett
homing dove
the sun’s last rays
Quendryth Young
walking with the wind bending grass
Richard L. Matta
snowy boughs
we shape ourselves
to the season
Debbie Strange
petals closed
on one side of the sunflower
hazy day
Maire Morrissey Cummins
darkening hills
swallows fly in and out
of an abandoned mine
Jay Friedenberg
moonlight the contours of frosted kale
Thomas Powell
winter wind
biting the whiteness
of chicken bones
Ben Gaa
after the downpour
the glaze of watermelons
in the farmer’s cart
Mark Miller
failing light
a lamp goes on
in the tractor's cab
Dan Treagust
far blue haze—
seeming closer in morning sunlight
the summer mountains
Wally Swist
grey evening chill
a telegraph pole rises
to a hawk
Andrew Hubball
folding and unfolding
in the headwind
a buzzard’s tail
David Gale
rare sunny moments –
a pair of Large Whites circles
the courgette flower
Maeve O'Sullivan
snowy fields
a fox trail connects
the molehills
Joanne van Helvoort
phone screens the loneliness of a crowd
Arvinder Kaur
I come back inside
wearing a snail
Stuart Bartow
winter lake
the biting cold
of the rod
Greg Schwartz
swish of oars
in the mangrove
Jeff Leong
dog days
between the gulley stones
Laurie Greer
plucking threads
from shucked corn
Brad Bennett
sandcastle ruins
a little egret across
Bill Cooper
snowflakes mangled piece of forwarded mail
paul m.
a bite
into the ripe fig
summer dusk
Gavin Austin
everything on the beach
morning fog
Nathanael Tico
one last turn
around the moat
cold moon
Helen Buckingham
break in rain...
messages in prayer flags
drip dry
Sushama Kapur
a lone gerbera
aims for the sun
Tom Staudt
rush hour —
a watermelon hawker
sharpens his knife
Kanchan Chatterjee
that picture in her sundress fading autumn light
Ben Gaa
hawk glide
into the pines
into the dusk
Bruce H. Feingold
a hummingbird
in the rain –
this last chance
Alvin B. Cruz
not as long
as it used to be
summer day
Jennifer Hambrick
the wriggle
of the wren’s shadow
into my own
Kristen Lang
cupped hand
tasting stones
in the stream
Lorraine Haig
mountain trek
my steps ringed
with birdsong
Kala Ramesh
autumn deepens
a child’s ball
in the sinkhole
Jonathan Humphrey
dead air
across the meadow
a hawk's lazy arc
Michael Baeyens
horse hooves
thunder the last
of the snow
Mark Gilbert
cooling pies
on the window sill
first ant
sunset . . .
the new owner paints
my old boat
P. H. Fischer
leading the prayer
for healing
scent of lavender
Beverly Acuff Momoi
first snow flurries
the refugee child spins
into laughter
Ramesh Anand
squabbling ravens
ten feet
above the headlines
Carl Mayfield
gathering clouds
the fisherman counts
his last worms
Dan Treagust
spring breeze . . .
the wary Appaloosa in the meadow
swishing her tail
Wally Swist
nature hike
our footsteps silenced
by pine needles
Nancy Brady
a longer day
children add
to a snowman
LeRoy Gorman
of jumping mullet
setting sun
Deborah P Kolodji
first snapdragon
a bee unravels
with the fragrance
Elmedin Kadric
days shortening
another year
under the rake
Alasdair Paterson
at the emptiness
of the front yard
B.A. France
summer drizzle
the steady cawing
of a house rooster
Hifsa Ashraf
flowing slowly
through the keyhole
sea fog
Agus Maulana
muggy noon . . .
the ceiling fan starts
to creak
Kanchan Chatterjee
autumn sun
sea pebbles still shining
on the empty shore
Eufemia Griffo
each snail paints
its own way
David He
exposed lake bed
a great blue heron
pecking and probing
Andrew Wood
picking mold
off of late raspberries,
I think of my mother
Jerome Gagnon
coast path
under the hedge
a violet shrinks
Ann Smith
traffic jams on
prayer mountain
Jeff Leong
before sunrise
drifts of light
snow moon
Lisa Espenmiller
the emptiness
of acorn caps
Bryan Rickert
the stray dog’s eyes
as the cars pass by . . .
waiting, for the light to change
Kyle Sullivan
rime-frosted petals
a flock of mallards
lifts from the river
Terri L. French
releasing its grip
holly blue flutters
into fading light
Douglas J. Lanzo
in the neighbour's garden
so much brighter
Neena Singh
cloudburst . . .
a throng forms
under the pepper seller's sunshade
Enobong Ernest Enobong
angle of the light
in autumn across stone flags
tang of kitchen spice
Jenny Dunbar
water drips
off her yellow bathing suit…
the still sky
Lenard D. Moore
blood moon
an abandoned car burns
at the old pit head
Steve Black
dry moon
a cowbell
on the far hill
David Watts
sunlit silt the marsh rabbit's eye
Kristen Lindquist
prognosis ...
deeper and deeper
into the night
Chen-ou Liu
warm kitchen . . .
the abandoned kitten
chases his tail
M. Shayne Bell
blowing leaves—
the neighbors move
before I meet them
Laurie D. Morrissey
softer light
moving stealthily downstream
a stilted heron
Mike Gallagher
burial –
the opening in the clouds
smaller and smaller
Eugeniusz Zacharski
long after
the gunfire stilled
crickets chirping
Ryland Shengzhi Li
Evening Primrose lights a path
along the dunes
Suzanne Davies
blackbird . . .
the day is just
not long enough
Keith Evetts
motionless watermill
the hissing shadows
of the geese
Maya Daneva
walking meditation
breaking my reverie
a grasshopper
Mona Bedi
antlers still
among the hemlocks
Orion’s Belt
Joshua St. Claire
spring night
the new birdbath
fills with moonlight
Dale Champlin
the smell of coconut oil
on her skin
Precious Oboh
a couple of shags toss driftwood
back and forth
Jenny Fraser
hoverflies flock round
the fireweed
Simon Wilson
a black squirrel
buries acorns early:
this pandemic fall
C. Jean Downer
no more rain –
a snail out in the sun
before me
Oscar Luparia
by a cobweb –
rainforest stillness
Nathalie Buckland
dawn pouring petrichor from the tulips
Ben Oliver
storm clouds
that tone
in your voice
Marilyn Fleming
the flautist mimics
its song
Christina Chin
chill wind –
over stubbled fields clouds
of crows
Dorothy Burrows
blossoming orchard
my grandson
taller than my son
Denise Fontaine-Pincince
a stooped figure
at the new headstone...
falling dusk
Natalia Kuznetsova
I climb back
in time
Roberta Beach Jacobson
howling gale
the last of last year’s nest
flies off
Alan Peat
fill the silence
cicada shell
Marilyn Ashbaugh
echoes of the lake
wash ashore
Mike Moule
full snow moon
a stocking cap
in the empty parking lot
Barbara Ungar
tree rings
a moth disappears
into a cold year
Mike White
hovering on grass
dragonfly's wings
hold mosaic monsoon skies
Nudurupati Nagasri
five days of rain
five origami cranes
on the windowsill
Carol Ann Palomba
dawn chorus
a water boatman skates
between two skies
chris dean
muddy road
along the tyre marks
I follow the black ants
Mallika Chari
the last leaf
from a thin branch
spirals toward a frozen pond
Robert Witmer
misty dawn . . .
entering another phase
of grief
Opeyemi Babafemi
travel restrictions
sending photos of
John J. Han
bitter coffee
the weight of the moon
on a leaf
Carmela Marino
dusty bottles
in the tool shed
a few dried apples
chad henry
gentle rain
hidden in the weeds
wild violets
Tsanka Shishkova
little snail moves
wooded country road...
gravel echoes
our fading steps
Lee Hudspeth
autumn sea
my fishing net folds
the stillness
Srinivasa Rao Sambangi
From the shaded path
a folded red leaf leaps up:
startled cardinal.
Karen Kilcup
thunderclouds –
the lambs' hooves
harden in the air
Richard Tindall
dwarf marigolds . . .
in a migrant workers' camp
children's laughter
Milan Rajkumar
September grasses
until he turned his head
the praying mantis
Patrick Sweeney
oyster shells
I choose one that doesn't rock
for a spoon rest
Phillip Murrell
in each cup of tea
harvest moon
Lisbeth Ho
falling leaves
I prune retirement-home
P.R. folders
J. Zimmerman
New Year wish
the wingspan
of a white egret
Geethanjali Rajan
lying on the ground
the earth holds
all my weight
Mary Vlooswyk
rain clouds gathering
over copses that grow dark
the barley shines on
David Davies
to the sky in prayer too
temple haystacks
Agnes Eva Savich
spring gust
under the tree
the cat's eyes
Michael Buckingham Gray
drying the groundnut seller's tears sea breeze
Srinivas S
saying your name
into falling snow
the weight of shadows
Evan Coram
butter pools
in mashed potatoes –
country sunset
Dan Salontai
mist-laden wind
the soundless path
across the bridge
Richa Sharma
a sea breeze stiffens –
small brown butterflies alight
on lady’s bedstraw
Jane Robinson
heavy wet sun
illuminates pillow hair
Ricky Brown
starry night
in the Smokies—fireflies
here and there
John Zheng
lifting a stitch
over the other stitch
death knell
Maria Concetta Conti
passing the beggar
I try not to crunch
the fallen leaves
Rita Gray
tree shadow
a newfound hole
in his lie
Jackie Chou
between me
and winter—
Tony Williams
First frosts –
the balls of wool
out of stock
Elisabeth Guichard
carrying a cormorant
a fisherman rows
into the moon
Ling Ge
seeking a bridge
we walk a long way
along the river
Pitt Büerken
Sierra cold—
the wind-twisted limbs
of bristlecones
Cynthia Anderson
hunting bears
near the swings
one small boy
Marilyn Humbert
the tall pall bearer
flicks his cigarette away;
the browns of autumn
snow day . . .
the path to the school
Barrie Levine
the lifeless bed...
my father's arm
still as strong
Adrian Bouter
low sun
two yellow leaves
in the old nest
Nadejda Kostadinova
rainy day. . .
my paper boat stops
at her door
Surashree Joshi
early morning –
out the doorway
a dusky thrush
Daniela Misso
I apologize
winter rain
Dave Read
grassy field
the scurrying white tail
of a rabbit
Valentina Ranaldi-Adams
the wounded bird
reflected in the window pane
Shari Abramson
harvest moon rising
a horse in the meadow
but no rider in sight
Ben Grafström
how old
have I grown
chestnut alley
Ernest Wit
on the highway
to a dying friend
wall of hay bales
Earl Livings
of a gentle day
river ripples
Terrie Jacks
spider silk
from impatiens
to marigolds
Anthony Lusardi
autumn furrows
between anthills
in the sunset
Mile Lisica
on Alchemilla leaves
last night’s rain
Claire Ninham
Clare River
the short walk from my home
deep blue
Attracta Fahy
scorching sun –
heads ahead
in the vaccination queue
Manoj Sharma
in a towel
after the rain
the dog shivers
Carl Walsh
in the ocean depth
bobtail squid
Subir Ningthouja
birdsong overlaps birdsong...
ripples in the river
during rain
AJ Wentz
autumn evening
crows throng the weeping willow
beside the church
Nola Obee
motorway sunset
car lights enter
the vanishing point
Liam Carson
Inside the rain
the scent of the earth
Mild autumn
Antonella Seidita
petals of leaves
on the lake tremble
cold wind
Refika Dedić
in dialogue
with the mountain
Stefanie Bucifal
rainy November night
running out
of things to say
Luciana Moretto
fragments of songs
in this fresh-mown pasture
a two-leafed clover
David J Kelly
hedge clippers
in my Dad’s hands
struggle to reach the top
Noel King
dry riverbed
the way the boulders
shade the pebbles
Mona Bedi
refugees camp –
the child's teddy bear
full of dust
Hassane Zemmouri
wild geese flock
out of the formation
their honking
Samo Kreutz
grandma combs her hair
a cat enters the house
autumn equinox
Mircea Moldovan
a slip of stream
cradles the sky
June Rose Dowis
yellow leaves
last flashes
of the squirrels
Nazarena Rampini
warm night…
short weeks before their death
cicadas sing
Rob McKinnon
dried petals
in place of photos
Grandma's locket
Ashlee Ollmann
an ever-widening arc
Erica Ison
clouds stand still...
rocks and stream
shape each other
Carol Raisfeld
plain plank bridge dotted by a busy child’s umbrella
Sheila K.Barksdale
leaf wandering into
Basho’s empty cottage
leaf wandering out
Stephen Sossaman
the last box
goes into the moving van
autumn drizzle
Jennifer Hambrick
blackberries the slow walk home
Dan Treagust