Autumn 2022
Becoming Autumn
our voices rising scent of the sea
Aidan Castle
empty chair
the shape of the mountain
before us
Alan Peat
hot sun
the rain up
out of the grass
Shawn Blair
reaching the pedals
Denise Fontaine
sunlit dewdrops
on the grassy field
child’s first poem
Hifsa Ashraf
lucid dreaming
the flight path
of a cabbage white
Kristen Lindquist
swimming between jetties Cape morning
Deborah Burke Henderson
she longs to journey
across the sky
balloon flower…
Adele Evershed
monkey flowers . . .
the children playing
dress up
Stephanie Story
a sudden pop
of memory
John Hawkhead
an inch
above the ocean
a butterfly
Ann Smith
white clover
the art of
lying in fields
Kevin Browne
sun shares
its aura
Roberta Beach Jacobson
tribal village –
hearing my neighbour sing
in her treehouse
Daipayan Nair
summer break -
swans crossing over
the skytorn lake
Maire Morrissey Cummins
swapping words for smiles wildflowers
Jenny Fraser
distant echoes
of sea gulls
and ravens
Sandra St-Laurent
in the children’s ward
sunlight through the shades
a thousand origami cranes
S. Michael Kozubek
humpback tail splash
a child on the boat
waves back
Deborah P Kolodji
kayak river tour
the kingfisher
everyone else saw
Lee Hudspeth
shallow bay
nurse sharks asleep
in the sea grass
Shawn Blair
overripe oranges
the most of
this grief
Hifsa Ashraf
between dolphins cresting heartbeats
Eric Sundquist
a heron’s flight
in my
self-propelled wheelchair
Goran Lowie
blue sky,
billowing thunderheads
my climate change
Ken Mory
coastline view
in the sage
Deborah P Kolodji
summer lingers one peony
Deborah A. Bennett
U turns…
the way sheep will follow
their leader
Dorothy Burrows
last night's
shared bottle of sake
empty sky
Alvin Cruz
earthquake I grab for sky
Roberta Beach Jacobson
drooping sunflowers
looking at problems
from a new angle
Adelaide Shaw
the fox
frightens the chickens
fake news
Jim Force
secret ‘love you’ notes
from one tree to another
bird song
Carolyn Field
window amaryllis –
the sky enters my room
through a hole in the petal
Silva Trstenjak
the least we know
about a river
Hifsa Ashraf
by a single bee
the last rose
Rohan Buettel
outdoor cafe
a vortex of receipts
Ross Neher
endless sky
our picnic smoke
captures a lark's song
David He Zhuanglang
sea glass
what will
remain of us
Stefanie Bucifal
scorched earth
a child cups the rain
in her palms
Meera Rehm
late summer lake
a raft of loons
rides the sunset
Kristen Lindquist
a cloud of geese erasing summer
Marilyn Ashbaugh
the slow turn
of an ice cream churn
swallows at sunset
Brad Bennett
my late grandpa’s face
in the crowd
Aidan Castle
cicada husks
the final sweep
of summer
Kim Klugh
orange sunset
following a different path
Petro C.K
Welsh malt whisky
how suddenly the sun
melts in the sea
Keith Evetts
equinox sunset
long shadows
of little stones
Emma Alexander Arthur
scattered asters
the remnants
of a summer sky
Claire Ninham
rising as one from bank
to bough—
an impulse of sparrows
Laurie Greer
an old man
prunes the roses
Ryland Shengzhi Li
september moon:
all I have
is what I miss
Oscar Luparia
alfresco dinner talking late into the light of fireflies
Marcie Wessells
at the docks
cranes play ball
with the moon
Adrian Bouter
slow shadows
a family of deer
graze twilight
Erin Castaldi
midnight moon
it’s face full
of sunlight
Dan Salontai
crescent moon guarding a star mother and pram
Pepe Madera
Being Autumn
dawn breaks my resolve
Christopher See
expanding universe... a dandelion bursts into seed
Jay Friedenberg
puddles in the park
dawn stars fill the space
left by dusk
Arvinder Kaur
climbing from mist
the sandstone gorge
Gavin Austin
scent of jasmine
this sunlight
in my future
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
for a connection...
Carly Thorpe
sea-born sunrise
skimming the lake
a grey heron
Emma Alexander Arthur
stripped of all
I once thought essential…
Euphorbia plants
Pepe Madera
in a line
of gnarled willows
one sapling
Michael Baeyens
on the fence
in daylight a nighthawk
Dorothy Burrows
lake’s mist
unfolding my story
the rorschach test
Hifsa Ashraf
florist shop—
the indecision
of the butterfly
Alaka Yeravadekar
day moon
the long night
not long enough
Alvin Cruz
to be unhappy
Laurie Morrissey
gust of wind . . .
landing in a hollow stump
an acorn
Anthony Lusardi
oleander blooms
like every dream of you
I can’t touch
C.X Turner
wings for a day my hands turn to mayflies
Pippa Phillips
one lily
to another
rumors of wind
Brad Bennett
alone playing arpeggios into birdsong
Christine Eales
circle of agave the green hummingbird’s voice
Michael Battisto
traveling. . .
on her own waves
an inchworm
Marilyn Ashbaugh
timing her entrance
for the fall—
brimstone moth
Adele Evershed
yellow butterfly without so much as a by your leave
Patrick Sweeney
fall chill …
still the spring
in my step
S. Michael Kozubek
atlas moth homily day moon
Anna Cates
Straw field
shadow of a starling
in the hawk's gaze
Marilyn Ashbaugh
in winding gorges
brain fog
Tom Staudt
this guilt the wingspan of gannets
Aidan Castle
Yoshino fog
the cherry farmer’s wife
sweeping blossoms
Chad Henry
bend in the river—
I come across
a new flower
Alaka Yeravadekar
the on-and-off
of a seagull’s wings
Joshua St. Clare
waking alone
the lark
fills in the blanks
Adele Evershed
picture window...
refocusing the crow
becomes a moth
Quendryth Young
beached whale
the extent
of my shame
John Pappas
this struggle
to collect myself
wind blown leaves
Bryan Rickert
his mate
a lone blue feather
Laurie Greer
heather bruises
the moor
Claire Ninham
their path
from glen to glen
moonlit deer
Bryan Rickert
cauliflower leaves
my inner child
opens up
Jennifer Hambrick
rain stops play
the shifting pitch
of a crow
Alan Peat
heat lightning
the stillness
of trees
Ben Gaa
the slow cooking of stew quiet rain
Mariangela Canzi
slight breeze
all that I am
for today
Jamie Wimberly
extended road trip
our neighbor’s bike
becomes a trellis
Christine Wenk-Harrison
deep autumn
the parts of me
still green
Bryan Rickert
woodsmoke curling up with a good book
Kim Klugh
abalone shells
nestle together
neither whole
Jenny Fraser
the desire to stay lost fireflies
Alaka Yeravadekar
autumn rain...
a drop sways
the banana leaf
Neena Singh
the unwanted parts
of me
Lorelyn Arevalo
a dead bird
suddenly holding
my hand
Alan Peat
community garden
in the rain…
one man turning soil
Kerry J Heckman
shady woodlands
a yellow lady slipper
bobs with rain
Deborah Burke Henderson
dawn light on bat wings my indecision
Aidan Castle
sundown -
searching for meanings
old cranes
Amoolya Kamalnath
autumn light
I follow a firetail
into the ruins
Clive Bennett
briefly the frog's
P.H Fischer
autumn haze
father begs me
to take him home
Mircea Moldovan
faded coop
the broken hinge’s
Erin Castaldi
crickets chirping
a dark pond ripples
full of stars
Daniel Daw
two puddles
the half-moon
spoons itself
Cody Huddleston
nightfall --
among the rubble
a blackbird song
Mariangela Canzi
under the fisherman's hook
the hunter's moon
Irena Szewczyk
a sea of stars
on each drop of rain
Andrew Markowski
buck moon…
beginning a new phase
antlers regrow
Rob McKinnon
the sound
of his breath gasping
midnight rain
Alvin Cruz
moth wings
opening and closing
the night
John Hawkhead
Leaving Autumn
lone cloud birthing the day moon
Ravi Kiran
leafless shadow the line between then and now dissolves into snow
Pippa Phillips
shimmering pink
an earthworm
Barrie Levine
early snowfall ...
a stack of what-ifs
on my mind
Chen-ou Liu
stark telephone poles
fronting a hallelujah
of cumulonimbi
Chad Henry
salt marsh sunrise…
a herd of cows licking
the mist
Dorothy Burrows
his other side
cherry blossoms
Richa Sharma
the tractor turns back
into the field
Dan Treagust
soft snowdrifts
his shoulders round
into winter
Lesley Swanson
the crack and splinter
of a lace bark pine
Laurie Greer
autumn slacktide -
the beach's emptiness trails
onto snow crabs
Amoolya Kamalnath
windfarms spinning daytime stars
Christine Wenk-Harrison
deep fog
a child’s finger breaks
the tide pool’s surface
Mike White
daydreaming the sky a pond of white goldfish
Marcie Wessells
in a dewdrop
my real size
Oscar Luparia
ruffled sky
a seagull feather
washes ashore
Mona Iordan
sun catchers…
ripples of curlew
ebbing away
Dorothy Burrows
one door ajar two worlds
Mariangela Canzi
all the colors
of the sea
the fishmonger’s eyes
Eric Sundquist
grandpa's allotment
a pumpkin
as big as his hug
Ingrid Baluchi
all sparrows fly
but one
Kati Mohr
Pictish stones touching time
Tony Williams
starling days
shaping our breath
into sky
Joanna Ashwell
first snow . . .
following the deer tracks
following the trail
Kristen Lindquist
iced up pond
fish that swim
in the undercurrent
still dripping with rain…
a white oak
does the work of clouds
Laurie Greer
elsewhere milkweed floss takes me
Debbie Strange
on one side of the tree -
this war
Maire Morrissey Cummins
trying to see
your point of view
red deer skull
Chris Dean
not the wind through the pines
but my mother's voice
in mine
Deborah A. Bennett
the low flight
of a white heron
receding waves
Hifsa Ashraf
snow capped mountains
the highs and lows of
distant memories
Tom Staudt
breaking news
crows creak in harmony
with the ice lake
John Hawkhead
cucurbit flute
the melody is all
dad remembers
Debbie Strange
snowy woods
my breathing
fills the silence
Christopher Seep
through fine mist--
stars of the charioteer
Ruth Holzer
night rain
the emptiness
of a rusted tin drum
Daipayan Nair
into the clouds ----
single again
Manoj Sharma
even when
we are gone…
cherry blossoms
Arvinder Kaur
island cemetery
sunburst lichen
obscures a surname
Brad Bennett
almost hearing them
barn swallows migrating
across the moon
Stuart Bartow
rain puddle
holding the ripples
in the moon
Mona Bedi
watching the snow
turn blue
John J. Han
in the shape of midnight
an owl
Christine Eales
moon's pull…
I give the sea
my tired hands
Thomas Powell