morning paper
we read
each other's moods
Kim Klugh
growing old
i find a new book
in the old book
Laurie Morrissey
the squeak
of mom’s door…
giving my grief a voice
Maya Daneva
Vidhi Ashar
two mismatched shoes
washed ashore
we meet again
Alvin Cruz
how our games of war always end 52 pickup
Marcie Wessels
a ripe orange
gently touching the dimples
on my thighs
Kimberly Kuchar
so many ways to say
the wrong thing
Kim Klugh
a powercut
the cinema entrance door
pelted with snowballs
Marta Chociłowska
art show
a judge inspects
the Canapés
Tom Staudt
again and again
she asks my name
Kimberly Kuchar
transcendental meditation-
i am in conversation
with another me
Ram Sundararajan
watching the sky switch
from red to night blue
a prisoner thinks of home
Enobong Enobong
in laws’ visit
the mingling of
rain and snow
Richard Matta
it frightens
the life out of me . . .
Owen Bullock
first date
speaking at the same time
for the third time
Ramachandran Sundararajan
old hands
the moon sinks
beneath my cuticles
Adele Evershed
fresh lime juice
how can my day
be so dull ?
Minal Sarosh
parents meeting
a wildflower
in the teacher's vase
Srinivasa Rao Sambangi
the clock
pointing out the time
I waste
Carl Walsh
we encounter
who we are
Terrie Jacks
myself for no reason
late autumn
Owen Bullock
Knocked over sign,
did I need to read you?
Storm season…
Jerome Berglund
road ahead
before we are here
we are there
Terrie Jacks
Paper plane -
the carelessness
my soul needs
Elisabeth guichard
back to routine
my diary sheds
grains of sand
Agnes Eva Savich
early morning fog
all the wrong
John Pappas
the calliope
slowly falls out of tune
divorce papers
Evan Coram
air mail
the momentum
of my parents’ romance
Barrie Levine
wind farm harnessing
surrounding elements
unpaid internship
Jerome Berglund
tracing raindrops
through the screen
what if I’d said yes?
Evan Coram
her rebuke
nettle gone
to seed
Bryan Rickert
trial room mirrors
my loneliness multiplies
ad infinitum
Priya Narayanan
my mask
soaks up the tears...
Gran's funeral
David He Zhuanglang
flickering light
i'm too lazy
to change
P.H Fischer
rainy day
the scent
of new books
Theresa Cancro
pushing seventy
early spring followed
by early summer
John Han
in parent’s car
old songs are new songs
perennials reseeding
Jerome Berglund
cougar in the parkade
one of us
out of place
Nola Obee
acab fingers
on a bamboo flute
folk songs of a quieting life
Tim Roberts
passing by
my brother's coffin—somebody
asks the way
Irena Szewczyk
by mouthful
Ryland Shengzhi Li
years of gardening
i still grow
Nancy Orr