autumn lingers...
seeds only the nuthatch
can reach
harsh winds —
hydrangea heads roll
to the curb
fall equinox
pear quarters
in a blue bowl
Brad Bennett
moonless deep in the oak owl’s call
Martin Cohen
winter dusk
the shadows thrown
by a whale vertebrae
Bruce H. Feingold
February morning—
sweeping into the sun glare
the red-tailed hawk’s glide
juncos inching up
the kousa dogwood’s branches—
finely falling snow
rising up
the ribbed vault of the church . . .
susurrations of steam heat
Wally Swist
small ferns
in the fountain's shadow
leaf-cutter bee
leaving the crescent
Carl Mayfield
cupped hands
our owl sounds
in the woods
Martha Magenta
starlight –
curve of a trout
under the moon
morning fog –
forty feet long
father's silence
Goran Gatalica
country road
our headlights pause upon rows
of opossum teeth
first spring day
the pinch of last year’s
crab grass
Ben Moeller-Gaa
screeching cockatoos –
in the creek’s pebbled light
my face trembles
John Low
shadow geese
fall on the river’s
leaving tide
Erin Castaldi
overflowing dam
a swimming duck
patterns the waterweed
I follow my shadow
Nathalie Buckland
night hunting
rabbits gather
around the torch
David He Zhuanglang
the marks
in the crook of her arm...
needles of rain
ten years of exile
I step on the shadows
of southbound geese
Chen-ou Liu
recently fledged
a puff of feathers
in the radiator grille
David Urwin
billowing clouds
the thousand shapes
of the wind
spring's first dawn
the call of wild geese
along the river
Eufemia Griffo
across the creek
a fallen oak bridge—
fiddleheads unfurling
the sound of rain in the dark praying
Elaine Wilburt
composing haiga –
painting sunlight
with black ink
Pravat Kumar Padhy
allan o’r heulwen
ac i mewn i’r tywyllwch
nyth y morgrugyn
out of the sunshine
and into the dark
the ant's nest
Thomas Powell
dew drops how softly night passes
Srinivas S
rope swing
left over right
I braid her hair
Marilyn Fleming
live fish stall
the salmon i look at
looks at me
Srinivasa Rao Sambangi
red skies...
from wind-tossed trees
stormcock sing
Clive Bennett
Empty hangers in the closet
two boxes by the door—
my mother’s dry eyes.
Michael Minassian
winter sun
her shadow follows her
onto the train
Robert Witmer
Indian summer
a hawk racing
the nimbus skyward
Warren Gossett
summer evening...
a hare all alone
on the village road
noting our presence...
the gaze of a black buck
far away
night breeze...
full moon sheen on
the coconut fronds
K. Ramesh
muddy boot print
on a wooden fence
cold twilight
Anna Cates
plucking the hours slowly
all day long
Oscar Luparia
blazing sun –
the one-eyed dog's
uncertain gaze
Richa Sharma
Moon wheel...
day approaching
with blue hues
Ashley Jones
gentle sun –
a mamba sneaks out
for warmth
Ayeyemi Taofeek
looking up
from my work desk –
the Buddha’s placid face
Suria Tei
small life –
on acres of light
the wind's harrow
Adrian Bouter
old lungs spit on their hands
Mark Gilbert
spring breeze
grasshopper jump
in the wildflowers
Nikolay Grankin
damp windowsill
dead lilies
splayed over fan blades
John Hanson
fog settling on the town hall steps a homeless man
Mark Miller
forest trail –
summer waning
of the waterfall
Valentina Ranaldi-Adams
lights out
in the shelter –
a whimper
Brett Dixon
slowing for yellow first daffodils
Laurie Greer
distant thunders...
a plastic bag
becomes wind
Lucia Cardillo
late night jazz —
my kitten
Marshall Bood
no more goodbye
the mountains
becoming clouds
Guliz Mutlu
giving up on you—
stained tablecloths
in the washtub
Réka Nyitrai
dense fog—
only thoughts
shape the morning
Gracy Judith D'Souza
your farewell footmarks
the scent on the sunflowers
after the rain
Radostina Dragostinova
Among the thistles;
the random tiger lilies –
so tall, so orange.
Gerry Fabian
spring rain
a tinge of green
in the skirting
Helen Buckingham
family prayer...
a cricket fills
the room
the harmony
of mother's lullaby...
monsoon rains
Billy Antonio
mistletoe the spice of chapped lips
John Hawkhead
Mother’s visit
lace curtains
for every window
Alexis Rotella
my shadow disperses
all night wind...
the intermittent thud
of falling mangoes
country road
the long ride through the scent
of cattle gone ahead
Adjei Agyei-Baah
sunshine sticky
on my fingers
John Zheng
a bible
lies open...
winter stars
first frost
my son points
to his breath
falling snow
the weight
of my duvet
Stephen Toft
summer eve
soft footfalls of a returning
Barbara Tate
blazing sun
the lingering aroma
of a livestock lorry
soaring cumulus
the rhyming clacks
of jackdaws
John Rowlands
knots of amber
glow through the warm pine door
thoughts of you
Scott Wiggerman
a different gaze
in father's eyes
to my home village
spring breeze
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
snowed in...
this long-distance marriage
and a rented room
birthday morning
alone with the sounds
of traffic
Chen-ou Liu
windless night
yesterday's storms
wash ashore
Joanne van Helvoort
small pond –
afternoon thoughts
settling deeper
Anthony Q. Rabang
this endless road…
everywhere but nowhere
the prairie
Jay Friedenberg
stiff wind –
the squirrel backs off
a high limb
mom’s old house –
her path to the mailbox
long overgrown
climbing geese
leave behind bits
of the pond
Warren Gossett
cuckoo's cry...
willow branches drip
in fine mist
the old bull
glares at itself
in a brook
David He
my dog howls
as if he knows
shelling peas
mountain rain
Louisa Howerow
lambing season
the old sheepdog limps
back to his bed
John McManus
lingering drought...
the weight of one more day
in my father's field
hyacinths in bloom –
a donation box
still warm
Goran Gatalica
in the cave bat’s mouth
the fig's sweetness
Anna Cates
cloudless day
the takeoff
of a cosmos seed
Elmedin Kadric
evening glow –
sharpening the
shape of the mountain
Alexander Wharton
cherry blossoms fall
a hospice window
closes and opens
Srinivasa Rao Sambangi
buttock marks
on the wall
light snow
Roger Watson
below the crust
of a frozen stream
waters sound
darkening clouds
the silver lining
Anna Maris
knitting on a beach
one blue wave laps
over another
Lucy Whitehead
the bruise fades
the bike goes around
the block again
Lisa Stice
a crow feeds
tiny wings
while the bough floats
Maria Chiara Miduri
a cornucopia
of extinct species
at the fish market
Emily Jo Scalzo
U-shaped valley
mist collects
all the scents
Mark Gilbert
bitter wind
on a bus station bench
William Scott Galasso
easter morning –
around my daughter's neck
my mother's pearl
Antonietta Losito
blackout —
acrid smoke curls
around the moon
Hifsa Ashraf
Mother's day
nanny's blanket
puts the baby to sleep
Padmini K
Shadows of rain-heavy clouds
Bruising fields of rape
Alisdair Hodgson