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Summer Breeze

uploading to the cloud dandelions


Marilyn Ashbaugh

first day of summer 

the scent of loam

on my palms

Theresa A. Cancro

early dawn     
airing the house               
with birdsong


Claire Ninham

mountain laurel

butterflies dapple

our ascent


Bryan Rickert


spring wind

the murmur of pollen

taking shape

F Chambliss


a robin’s egg nestled 

among the hailstones

Eric Sundquist

sunny mist...

the clear way

a cow moos

David He Zhuanglang

still blue sky

lawn sprinkler chatter

the lull of eternity

Eve Castle

new nests -

the sound of the wind

completely different

Julia Guzmán

soft breeze...

the toes of a goldfinch grasp

the thistle

Dorothy Burrows

trying to pull it together scattered clouds

Lori Becherer

mountain ridge

I walk

in the sky

Pat Davis

bright east winds

corrugate the lake,

no swallows yet

Jim Lloyd

mining silver

from the silver maple

the slightest breeze

Jonathan Humphrey

robin’s egg

a shade warmer

than the rest of the sky

Lorraine Padden

blackbirds sing

the morning loose

ground fog

Adrian Bouter


pale mist

wetting your lips

Bri Bruce



high wind -  

sunlight shaken

from a raven’s wing


John Low

a warm wind across the meadows the hum of bees

Clive Bennett

summit park bench

the bird’s-eye view

in focus

Christine Wenk-Harrison




Jeff Hoagland



holding an oil-paper umbrella

a girl wanders

in osmanthus rain

Ling Ge


a greenfly navigates

an old cat’s fur

Thomas Powell

summer sky

the stillness

of a kestrel

Ingrid Baluchi


to this stranger’s life

spring breeze

Aidan Castle


June legato             

a curlew’s call

colours the moor

Claire Ninham


the front goose

banks a turn

David Matta

holding onto 

summer’s light

daisy chains 

Tina Mowrey

vernal equinox

the wind rattles against

a discarded snakeskin

Almila Dükel

alpine trail

the breath

we give away

Debbie Strange

equinox the old guest still on the couch

P. H. Fischer

poetic licence the fly a dragonfly

Nick Hoffman

summer walk

no matter the path...


Kim Klugh

distant thunder -

a cow's tongue 

against the salt lick

Theresa A. Cancro

sunny shower
circuiting the cathedral roof

Dorothy Burrows

dry heat

the snap of the flag

as it laps the sky

Agnes Eva Savich

party trash...

a parliament of crows

on the wire

Dorothy Burrows

summer breeze 

billowing curtains

keeping secrets


Althea Watson

storm brews   tea beneath the canopy

Carl Walsh

the eyrie above me

sways in the wind—

forest fire moon

Michael Dylan Welch

the rhythm of corn country rain

Adrian Bouter

an open plain

lightning reveals

coyote eyes

John Han

hawk thermals

the slow circling

of our binoculars

Brad Bennett

Sunday sermon drifting in the summer air dust motes

Lee Hudspeth

folding umbrellas at day’s end purple clover

June Rose Dowis

hearing loss

the first thing to go

is chickadees 

Bryan Rickert

in the talons

of a fishing eagle

a glint of dusk

Ravi Kiran

crow antics

a shadow tags

a tourist

Brad Bennett

setting sun

a final few rays through

his tumbledown wall

Tony Williams

summer by summer

how much easier

to cry at sunset

Keith Evetts

my in-breath

and out-breath


Alvin B. Cruz


summer moon rising

watching fireflies

merge with stars

Linda Ludwig

back to normal

after lockdowns…

hazy night sky

yn ôl i normal

ar ôl y cyfnodau clo…

awyr niwlog y nos

Earl Livings

pacemaker the space between fireflies


Lorraine Padden

moths flutter

around the porch light

summer moon

Paula Sears

colour of the pebble

the child carried home -

summer moon 

Deborah A. Bennett

fireflies sparking a field a poem 


Kristen Lindquist

what's left

after the spring rain

jazz evening

Mircea Moldovan


with possibility

first quarter moon


Nancy Orr

summer stars
sheep in the eyes
of a shepherd

Jonathan Humphrey

last fireworks

the shapes of smoke filling

with moonlight

Evan Vandermeer


passing stars

the ticking

of the universe


Keith Evetts

Summer Trees 

morning sun the tablesaw leans into the smell of cedar


John Pappas



kapok pod bursts

the words forgotten

in my sleep


Kathabela Wilson

lily pollen

the morning stained

with dreams

Jonathan Humphrey

breakfast al fresco

a bee circles

the honey jar

Christine Wenk-Harrison

almost dawn

rain washes away

the birdsong


Ravi Kiran


a joey crawls

into the pouch

Kendall Lott

fallen figs

the small price we pay

for rosellas at dawn

Mark Miller

a grain of sand

what matters

to an ant

Pat Davis

main street at dawn -

all the pot holes full

of cherry blossoms 

Deborah A. Bennett

morning church bells

a group of yellow tulips


Evan Vandermeer


a soft rain


Mike White

first wellies  

she picks a dandelion

for nanna

Mike Gallagher

first day of summer
the bees in the trees
an octave higher

Tony Williams

jiggering chrysalis—

sunlight, now

to the base of the bush

Michael Dylan Welch


the magnanimity

of living slow

Ramesh Anand


by a low-hanging maple

our talk of god

Aidan Castle

feeding time

the grackle shares

its love

Deborah Burke Henderson

end of Spring

the buds of peonie

one by one

Francoise Maurice

spring ginko walk
journal pages fill
with pollen

Lori Becherer

suddenly an insect wing looking at leaves


Alan Peat

should’ve missed them sooner starlings on the green

Wendy Gent

summer’s edge —

a buttercup

under her chin

Wendy Gent

open canopy  

vanishing in rising fog

a wood warbler’s song

Althea Watson

Zen garden

a tiny butterfly folds itself

into cherry blossom

Agus Maulana Sunjaya


one year post Covid scentless lilac


Lori Becherer


forest walk I become the birdsong  

Mona Bedi

the unspoken

between us


Agnes Eva Savich

moments shared 

each summer leaf  

catching the light 

Jenny Fraser

raising the shade a blaze of azaleas

Ruth Holzer

a stone in her tiny hand once a mountain

Pravat Kumar Padhy

forest trail

gloss of a wild blackberry

in the magpie’s beak

Mark Miller

rural railway

a blur

of old man's beard

Ingrid Baluchi

midday warmth

the yellow willow's

leaf-strewn shade

Evan Vandermeer

on both sides

of the tank tracks


Ravi Kiran


my teeth press

the pliant Turkish apricot

summer Sunday

Jeanne Cook

dog days

a boy chases

the ice cream truck

Greg S

I will go now
where my eyes carry me
poplar fluff


Ernest Wit

how suddenly

the butterfly's shadow

takes my troubles

Eve Castle

banana stems all differently same on the inside

Ramesh Anand

patchouli …
the lingering strings
of a sitar


David J Kelly

heat haze

the beetle straddles

a saguaro pleat

Bill Cooper

startled yearly

by your beauty

bold forsythia

Debbie Scheving

deep woods

we share all the greens 

of an avocado

Joshua St. Claire

earthen birdbath a sparrow spills summer clouds 

Neena Singh

afternoon tea—

a skipper nectaring

on a thistle

Laurie Morrissey

dry leaf… 

the argument that loses

its worth 

Hifsa Ashraf

slipping through my fingers blueberries

Roberta Beach Jacobson

wild iris
she says the name
does not matter


Srinivasa Rao Sambangi

dead wasp

in the honeycomb

distant thunder


sudden death

his garden full

of ripe plums

Máire Morrissey Cummins

summer dance...

old farmers

baling hay

Mariangela Canzi

Queen Anne's lace

the bustle of everyone

minding their own business

Ingrid Baluchi


yet all along the road 

red peacock flowers 

Minal Sarosh

almost home

a bumblebee laden

with lavender

Bill Cooper

damp earth

the garden is flooded

by dandelions

Almila Dükel

small hands 

releasing lightning 


Kimberly Kuchar

the silk tunnel

of a webspinner . . .


Debbie Strange

tolling of the bell . . .

throughout the ceremony

the cicada’s cry

Anthony Lusardi


on a broken support beam

red poppy

Anthony Lusardi

chaste tree

the long-lasting bloom

of a summer shadow

Pippa Phillips

plover tracks . . .

the every which way

of my thoughts

Barrie Levine


urging the sapling

to grow in my lifetime

Ruth Holzer

acting out the scent of wildflowers

Aidan Castle

tangled love

red foxes

braiding tracks

Jeff Hoagland

red dog barking

into the void -

cornfield at dusk

Deborah A. Bennett

the strange sweetness

of heading toward nothingness

the spent hyacinth

Jeanne Cook

deer blending into dusk

Kim Klugh

evening glow

filling the word deer

with deer

Jonathan Humphrey

dusk moon

a badger path curves

the field’s corner


Thomas Powell


the ordinary


Richa Sharma

summer twilight 

feeling her movements 

when she's gone

Bruce Feingold

pine forest                

the soft murmuring                    

of night shadows  

Gavin Austin

racing past

the rising moon

evening train

Jim Force

no one within hearing the stars

Mike White

moss on the footbridge

treading without 

a sound

Laurie Greer

hiding the dates

on the slate headstone

moonglow lichen 

Kristen Lindquist

heat wave . . .

voices on the front stoop

drift past midnight

Barrie Levine

beanstalk hanging from the spring moon

Mircea Moldovan


through the screen

the stars


Lee Hudspeth

Summer Seas 


fiat lux

each dewdrop

a new sun


Joshua St. Claire

first monsoon drizzle . . .

nodding on the long stem

a budding rose

Manoj Sharma

it happens

every time we touch

a dewdrop

Keith Evetts


a sliver of sunlight

reaches the harbour

Daniel Treagust

dragging the net

from the sound of the sea -

departing spring 

Deborah A. Bennett

a haddock

poaching in warm milk

first light

Alan Peat

live stream 

the otter's briefest

sideways glance

Kristen Lindquist

trout fishing
the gentle pull
of the day moon

James Krotzman

sheltered bay

the happily contained arc

of one idea

Pepe Madera

endless blue ...

lifting off the water

a heron drips light

Chen-ou Liu

village market

puddles of rain

in the tarpaulin

Joanne van helvoort

soft rain
a puddle
full of goslings


Marilyn Ashbaugh

morning coast drive

flashing through trees

      the mirrored sea

Nathaneal Tico

a beaver's dive

widening circles

around the sun

Theresa A. Cancro



geese over water

real and ethereal meet

in the thin place

Alan Peat

into yesterday bridge over lotus pond


Alvin B. Cruz



clearing skies

a child's footsteps

ripple the clouds


Jay Friedenberg


sharing the breeze

with the fringe-lilies


Kristen Jane Lang



dry waterfall -

the energy it takes

to remain angry


Dan Salontai



into memory 

ripples across a bay 


Jenny Fraser


artificial reef

an eagle ray flies

from room to room


Debbie Strange


park bench

the willow sweeping      

light from the lake


Gavin Austin



by life’s ripples

white heron





 noon breeze

ruffling the pond's surface

      a water snake

Vidya S Venkatramani

small pond

swirled with pollen

circling swallows

Brad Bennett

tide pool  

winkles congregate 

in a cola bottle

Carly Siegel Thorp

all things

must pass


Jeff Hoagland

pond reeds

a mallard slips

into frog sounds

David Matta

suddenly clear

the black lotus pond

in cupped hands

F Chambliss

alternate reality

stepping into

a puddle of clouds

Anne Elise Burgevin

stronger than the ferry’s mooring island clothes’ line

Judson Evans

summer river—


dripping sunlight

Lee Hudspeth

sea breeze 

the scent of lavender 

bending into the blue

Lori Kiefer

skipping stones

the heat seeds a turquoise sky

with high clouds 

Ben Oliver

summer heat –

in the wishing fountain

beer caps   


Oscar Luparia


the river mud etched 

by grizzly paws


Aidan Castle



worm moon   even fish glitter   in joy


Shari Abramson


high tide…

smashing on the rocks

all my excuses


Adele Evershed



of my conscience

plodding whelk


John Pappas


dream space

between our beach chairs

rippling sunset


Chen-ou Liu



where the old river

falls into a deep green pool

the thought of you… gone


John Hawkhead


boat sale

his dad's memory shifts

further downstream


Máire Morrissey Cummins




the silver river slides by

in silence


Mike Gallagher


erasing the scribbles

of periwinkles

evening surf


Nancy Orr




in a river of light

tidal moon


David Watts


storm’s end—

a bend in the river

of stars

Jonathan Roman


upon the tide

summer stars

Joanna Ashwell

still pond 

water lilies bloom

on the crescent moon


Ling Ge



strolling alone the childhood river runs with stars


Chen-ou Liu


nightlong storm

rivulets reappear

across mountain paths


Almila Dükel



blue moon— 

a heron and I

night fishing


Clive Bennett


moonlit seashore

the last fishing boat returns

carrying stars


Ling Ge




over an ocean edge 

a thousand stars  


Jenny Fraser

© 2024 Wales Haiku Journal

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