saying something of the nothing
of it all
Ben Moeller-Gaa
September haying—
the landed turkey vulture
searching the windrows
Wally Swist
the egg
that didn't open . . .
waning moon
Debbie Strange
moistening a pile
of last week’s rabbit pellets
an autumn rain
paul m.
forest bathing
my palms white
with birch bark
Laurie D. Morrissey
alkali flats
a curtain of sand
darkens the horizon
Jay Friedenberg
the milking stool
in a bed of nettles—
first snow
the wild
in a horse’s eye
following the storm
Joanna Ashwell
pregnant again
the pitter-patter
of light rain
Bryan Rickert
no call for
a night light
snow moon
Helen Buckingham
winter sunrise
the cement grill illumes
a dove's nest
Richa Sharma
a deep breeze
the cottonwoods sway
into echoing thunder
Gary Hittmeyer
mud flats
a wisp of snipe gone
with my thoughts
Debbie Strange
walking ahead
her dimpled fist
full of buttercups
Elaine Wilburt
well water
I hesitate
to stir the stars
Adjei Agyei-Baah
inside the folds
of a cafe umbrella...
autumn dusk
Brad Bennett
barbed wire
this flake of wool
about to thaw
Adrian Bouter
the inner layer of my lips
Jibril Dauda Muhammad
funeral procession
the silence between us
leaves at last
Chen-ou Liu
night chill . . .
a billow of smoke rises
from the pyre
Kanchan Chatterjee
a searchlight blinks
over the canopy
Joanna Ashwell
summer vacation
counting down blossoms
on the moonflower
Scott Wiggerman
the same granite
in a stile’s step ...
village graveyard
paul m.
late noon sun
our last day breaks into
Jenny Fraser
empty hands
before sleep comes
mother’s humming
Erin Castaldi
sultry night
I smack a bug
on the word winter
Laurie D. Morrissey
mountain cabin
a hint of frost slips
through the cracks
Bruce H. Feingold
all morning
across the slate path
autumn earthworm
Judson Evans
early autumn—
conkers falling amid the stillness
of prayer flags
Wally Swist
grandpa's pipe
in the snowman's mouth
a porch light flicks on
Maxianne Berger
the winter field
a horse
following its breath
Roger Watson
dry rattle
a Nuttail's woodpecker
eyes the scrub oak
Deborah P Kolodji
her indifference
to the break up
the sunflower turns its head
Jim Krotzman
From branch to branch
a flash of red
bird song
Michael Minassian
I squeeze myself
into the last corner
of sunset
Joanna Ashwell
the thinned bracken
gone purple with asters . . .
revealing the deer run
Wally Swist
curve of the bay
giving him time
to tell me
Jenny Fraser
late autumn...
a room
without furniture
Marshall Bood
brushing the wind
out of her hair
Elaine Wilburt
searching for
each other
autumn leaves
Radostina Dragostinova
heat rising
grandmother sweeps ants
from sidewalk to street
Bryan Rickert
end of summer
the creek faster
where it curves
Agnes Eva Savich
six weeks, no sunlight
a line of salt bisects
the highway
Robert Beveridge
drifting gull...
beneath the mist
the river widens
Clive Bennett
peeling the onion away...
the tan line
on his ring finger
Dan Salontai
stable light
the mare’s breath
warm on my neck
Gavin Austin
snowbound the warmth of this sunlit room
martin gottlieb cohen
a call to pray
west of the picket fence
first crocus
Agus Maulana Sunjaya
a squirrel
rearranging a pinecone
steady clouds
Chris Jeffris
deep forest
the ears of a wallaby
touched by sun
Lorraine Haig
of milkweed
on the baby’s breath
Laurie Greer
white chrysanthemums
the faded color
of her absence
Eufemia Griffo
winter dawn –
the mist rising on
an unruffled lake
Antonietta Losito
hot day —
a lizard on a nearby rock
follows the sunset
Goran Gatalica
first snowfall
vintage wine
Roberta Beach Jacobson
winter sun...
a kitten sneaks
into a potato crate
Manoj Sharma
garden gate
a walk
into Jasmine scent
Elmedin Kadric
burnt marshmallow
— the nearby cadence
of a hermit thrush
Kevin Valentine
drizzle –
a dog is shaking
under a willow
Mauro Battini
Swifts long gone,
eaves carry empty echoes.
Jennifer A. McGowan
summer garden...
the crimson flash
of a sunbird
Hemapriya Chellappan
autumn chill
knitting socks
before the ice forms
Mike Moule
the scent of jasmine
a lonely flute
shapes the dark
Bernard White
the red lampshade
autumn rain
Miriam Sagan
stubble field
waterlogged ruts
mirror the cold
Michael Baeyens
first frost the nothing I become
Elisa Theriana
river bed
footprints carried off
in the dust
Kristen Lang
saying goodbye
the scent of roses
before the rain
Joanne van Helvoort
autumn morning
a sunlit stone
at the river's source
Lucy Whitehead
blackbirds feasting
on windfall persimmons –
clear day in winter
Jerome Gagnon
salt spray toppling a cairn of oyster shells
Bill Cooper
autumn wind
learning to write
a will
John J. Han
from her keepsakes
a small jar of sand
no where or when
Peter Newton
beet soup –
the flavour of a place
I would like to go
Oscar Luparia
spring thaw . . .
on a mushroom
a baby snail
Taofeek Ayeyemi
beating cake batter –
her habit of pressing lips
on my reflection
Ave Jeanne Ventresca
mango slice . . .
licking the juice
dripping down my elbow
Sunita Sahoo
across the gate
of the dead dog’s pen
one spider strand
David Oates
long withheld...
snowy sky
Lucia Cardillo
from the clifftop
the chough
Mark Gilbert
baby's breath
the fragrance
of fresh soap
Valentina Ranaldi-Adams
deep autumn
the fur on the bottom
of a cat's paw
Réka Nyitrai
moist ground
smell of bolete
among pine needles
Tomislav Sjekloća
old journal
her phone number
slips out
Jackie Chou
evening twilight
my grey hair scatters
on the pillow
Minal Sarosh
in early morning snow
a lone coyote
Marilyn Fleming